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Sustainability Accounting for Infrastructure Projects.

Pleione is a cloud-based sustainability accounting platform purpose-built for infrastructure projects bringing the power and flexibility of advanced scientific data architectures to your fingertips.

Aerial View of Flyover Bridges

Working with Complexity, Change & Interconnection.

Managing and coordinating these complex and rapidly evolving challenges will require a powerful and adaptable Sustainabilty accounting platform capable of:

Gathering Reliable Data

Gathering diverse, quality-controlled and reliable data from instruments, samples, Internet-of-Things (IOT) devices, drones, remote sensing and laboratory analysis.

Reporting Standards

Applying complex reporting rules and calculation standards.

Information Sharing

Breaking silos to share information between Alliance partners and Government agencies, down Asset Lifecycles, throughout Value Chains, and integrating software systems.

Urban Garden Architecture

Developing for the Net Zero Era.

Almost every country on the Earth, including Australia, has committed to achieving Net Zero emissions by, or around, 2050. The consequences of not achieving this target will be devastating runaway climate change.


According to the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTI), the international body responsible for coordinating this transition, this means at least a 40% reduction in emissions in the next 10 years. 


Infrastructure developed today will span the Net Zero transition, and opportunities identified during the Sustainability Rating process will need to be implemented and tracked over this period.


Climate Change is only one of the major environmental and societal challenges which will need to be managed over the coming decades.

Sustainability Ratings on Infrastructure Projects.

The Infrastructure Sustainability Council of Australia’s Rating Scheme (IS) is Australia & New Zealand’s only comprehensive rating system for evaluating the Sustainability performance of infrastructure across the planning, design, construction and operational phases of infrastructure assets.

Sustainability Performance

The Rating Scheme can assess the sustainability performance of infrastructure projects at the individual assets level, for portfolios or networks, or even at a regional scale.

Global Ratings Schemes

The IS Scheme is one of only four, and perhaps the most developed, General Civil Infrastructure Sustainability Ratings Schemes internationally, with over 119 certified ratings, $200 Billion in capital value, and 209 members.

Undertaking IS Ratings

Since 2019, over 70 per cent of all public infrastructure projects on Infrastructure Australia’s High Priority and Priority List have undertaken IS Ratings. And most major public works development projects in Western Australia now include ISCA sustainability rating targets in contract conditions.  

Building Partnerships

Our team has over 50 years of combined experience working with scientific data and sustinabiliy accounting systems for a diverse group of organisations.


Pleione brings a wealth of hard-earned experience to ensure practical and strategic outcomes for your projects.


Including Pleiades in support of your Alliance team will ensure:


  • Far fewer headaches in data collection


  • A verifiable sustainability rating process,


  • No sustainability accounting challenge ending up in the too-hard basket


  • Strategic information collection and accounting down the whole Asset Lifecycle


  • Seamless data exchange between diverse stakeholders

Construction Engineers

Get in touch.

We're looking forward to collaborating with you on your infrastructure projects. Get in touch to find out more about our sustainability  accounting platform.

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