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Mining Compliance Module

Take Ownership of Environmental Compliance.

Based on 40 years of environmental accounting experience, we've developed Pleione, our cloud-based Environmental Accounting platform.


Pleione is tailored according to best practice principles for managing data collection, calculating emissions and other indicators, and adhering to reporting assumptions, conditions, and workflows as set out by regulations, technical manuals, and standards.


Resource Operations struggle to track and manage sustainability performance because:

  • Environmental data are complex, technical and rapidly evolving;

  • Regulatory and reporting requirements are evolving and onerous;

  • Siloed environmental data is often inaccessible across various internal systems;

  • Auditing complex environmental data is expensive.


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Enter Pleione.

We've developed Pleione, our online platform embodying transparent and best-practice environmental accounting methodologies.


We’re on a mission to enable the global infrastructure and resources communities to meet their 2050  Net Zero Era objectives by enabling the systematic reporting and sharing of emissions and other sustainability data consistent with an evolving global ecosystem of guidelines and standards.

  With Pleione you can:  

Own the Process

Manage Compliance anywhere 24/7. Enjoy easy access to Pleione's Software as a Service (SaaS) with robust security, scalability, and cloud infrastructure managed by Pleiades.

Manage Collaboration

Invite outside expertise when and as needed for report review and audit

Automate away complexity

Use simplified reporting templates with up-to-date published estimation methodologies and factors.

Quality Control

ISO 9001-compatible review and sign-off workflow

Seamless Authorised Data Exchange

Confidentially exchange data with authorised third parties through Federated Networks

Auditable Outcomes

Auditable results linked to Primary Documents and Calculation Methodologies

Avoid Rework

Compliance results mapped directly to Sustainability and ESG formats

Unlimited Reporting Formats

Go Beyond National Pollutant Inventory (NPI) and National Greenhouse Energy Reporting (NGER) to potentially include any public or custom reporting scheme

Own The Data

Authorised Results downloadable to in-house Data Lakes to back corporate websites, PowerBi, and to properly train AI systems.

Get in touch.

We're looking forward to collaborating with you on solving your environmental accounting issues - no topic is in the too-hard-basket.

Get in touch to find out more about our Environmental Compliance platform.

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